Here comes Fall! Recipes + Tunes

Today is the first day of fall – my favorite season. And no, not because of pumpkin spiced anything (have advertisers gone nuts with that obsession or what?) I actually love maple flavor better than pumpkin. There is nothing like the crisp snap of the air here in…

Weekend Playlists

Music is a big part of any fantastic weekend. Whether you’re running around with errands, road tripping with family, making dinner or just lounging around-it’s all better with music. I’ve curated not one but two incredible playlists for you. I know they’re good because I’ve listened to them…

February Playlist: Leonard & Frost

Not my typical playlist. That’s my disclaimer for –arguably– the best playlist for this dreary, tepid, news-saturated month. So turn off the boob tube. Go on. Open this playlist and start at the top. Damn it’s good, if I do say so myself. I’ve made it collaborative so…

2 things for tuesday – maple + einaudi

it’s 2 for tuesday.  here’s a little sumethin-sumethin for you on this most lovely tuesday. these are two things i feel like talking about and since it’s my blog, i will.  you’ll thank me for it.  if you like to eat and like to listen to good music,…

SEPTEMBER JAMS – playlist for the weekend

you’re going to love this playlist, i promise.  just start at the beginning and roll through it.  i’ve searched and stolen and sung and smiled in the making of this. play it this weekend and add songs to it for me.  i made it collaborative. happy friday to…

music you must immediately add to playlist

if you know me, which you may and may not, you know that one of the key tenets or drivers in my life is music.  always has been and always will be.  read here and here if you want to know more. certain songs or albums hit repeat…

listening to this…

hey! happy thursday. i’m jetsetting around wisconsin this week…it’s almost spring! here is what I’m jamming out to in the rent car this week.  don’t get all crazy and shuffle it.  start at the top the ole fashioned way.

november playlist – all you need

forget pandora, i hand-picked each song specifically for you. this is a november-only playlist.  it will go away dec 1, so play it now.  play it loud.

listening to this now… detroit playlist

listening to this now… detroit playlist

who am i kidding? i’ve been listening to these songs for the past two months straight, not just now. they aren’t for everyone.  which is just how i like it.  i do believe i’ve worn ROF down playing them as much as i do.  i see some head nodding…

january playlist: snow & birdcage

january playlist: snow & birdcage

when thinking of life’s most important things, music doesn’t typically come to mind.  probably not even in the top 5. or 10. but for me, music is key to sustaining a smashingly good mood.  and that’s worth something.  believe me. this year, this website will highlight playlists every month….

butternut squash, maple spices & french music

last night ROF was at his first detroit red wings (pre-season) hockey game with our good friend curt who is in town just to see lil ole us.  ROF is experiencing everything michigan and this, of course, was on the list.  he had a blast, of course.  but…

music to fix my very short attention span

man, i love rush hour. but i didn’t always.  i inherited my dad’s massively short attention span.  for those of you that like my presentation skills in front of car dealers, it’s because i try to present to people like me.  keep it short, keep it entertaining, keep…

eggs, morning music and the joule

hello thursday, right?   couldn’t get here any faster for me.  today is our day we talk food and drinks.  a favorite subject of mine. if you read my profile (you can read it here) you know that i have a pretty strong point of view on things.  not…